Luis Palma
Juan.palma [at] ucentral.cl
Central University of Chile
have obtained a FONDEQUIP of 135 million, Xi Computer helped us to generate the
most efficient architecture for our Deep Space Image Analysis for Astrophysics
and Condensed Matter Calculation project. With this we generate a cold room in
the Coquimbo region. In addition, in Santiago, we have obtained 3 computing
machines for our cold room, focused directly on solid state physics
calculations. Personally, I can say that Xi Computer offered us an excellent
quality-price ratio, since other companies were lowering our benefits a lot. Xi
Computer generated trust in us, they are very professional, flexible and helped
us with the technical and institutional problems of our projects.
Graphic-power Unit Integrated Numerical
Unit Integrated Numerical Analyzer” is the name that identifies the first Fund
for Scientific and Technological Equipment (fondequip), awarded in October 2020
by the National Agency for Research and Development of (anid) to ucen. The
güina project —which in the Diaguita language means “woman”— will allow the acquisition
of a cluster of computers for computer simulations, becoming the first gpu
computing center in the Coquimbo region. The equipment will be used to develop
six research areas: nanotechnology, gravitation, data mining, lsst data
exploitation, astrochemistry and inorganic chemistry, which will allow
interdisciplinary and collaborative work between finarq and the Faculty of
Health (facsalud), in addition to link with undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching. The project is directed by Paulina Troncoso, PhD in Astrophysics and
director of the Bachelor's Degree in Astronomy that is taught at the UCEN
Regional Headquarters, who will be accompanied by a team of researchers from
the finarq of the headquarters in Santiago and in the Region from Coquimbo. This
group will be made up of PhDs in Sciences with a major in Physics Juan Luis
Palma and Alejandro Riveros, PhD in Physical Sciences Cristián Erices, PhD in
Molecular Physicochemistry Luis Álvarez Thon, Masters in Education Claudio Piña
and Masters in Astrophysics Basilio Solís and the Civil Industrial Engineer
Sebastián Baeza. They are joined by the doctor in Chemistry from the
facsalud-ucen Iván González and the doctor in Physics and Molecular Chemistry
from the Autonomous University Natalia Inostroza
Güina: Graphic Power Unit Integrated
Numerical Analyzer
cristobal.acosta [at] usach.cl
Usach Computer Engineering Department currently, the acquired servers are
working, helping academics from our department to carry out their research
experiments. The provided servers have remained functional, and provide a good
balance between price/quality of the components. The treatment and
technical support to quote servers according to our needs has been excellent. I
recommend them 100%
sebastian.astrophysics [at] gmail.com
University of Santiago / Milenio Core Yems
Fondecyt Regular 1191934
Millennium nucleus YEMS NCN2021_080
Millennium Core Project YEMS NCN2021_080
Thanks to a regular Fondecyt fund we manage to pay the puellche server. XI
Computer helped us find the ideal setup for our computing needs. This resulted
in a server dedicated to hydrodynamic simulations and deep learning, based on
the A100 GPU architecture. It has been key to have the advice of XI Computer,
who effectively led us to the ideal CPU/GPU/memory/storage configuration for
our project. Overall, the addition of Puelche and his A100 GPU cards to our
research team has been a major advance in our ability to perform hydrodynamic
simulations and train deep learning networks. The improved speed and efficiency
allow us to advance our understanding of physical phenomena faster and improve
the accuracy of our models.
Millennium Nucleus on Young Exoplanets and their Moons (YEMS) is a
multidisciplinary astronomy and informatics effort funded by the Millennium
Science Initiative and organized by four universities in Chile. YEMS science
goals involve the detection and characterization of young exoplanets and exomoons
to answer the longstanding question about their formation.
we search for life on the moons of exoplanets?
formation of planets and moons are closely related, which means that moons can
help us understand the origin of a planet. Furthermore, most of the candidate
places to look for life in our Solar System are on the moons of the giant
planets. Jupiter, for example, is not in the habitable zone of the Solar
System, but Jupiter's moons, such as Europa, are ideal places to study life
beyond Earth.
Alejandro.riveros [at] ucentral
Universidad Central de Chile The 3 pieces of equipment purchased have been
essential to carry out the micromagnetic simulations of nanomagnetic systems
carried out by the condensed matter group of the university, it is also being
used by collaborators from other institutions such as from the Autonomous
University of Chile highlight the professionalism and cordiality of
the xi computer team, suppliers of the computer cluster equipment.
PROJECT 77190042
Study of the stability
and dynamics of vortex and skyrmions-type magnetic textures in cylindrical
and rectangular nanostructured systems, composed of a single and multilayer
magnetic material
As it is a PAI Grant for
Installation in the Academy project, it addresses both scientific research
and university teaching. The research part focuses on the study of the
stability and dynamics of magnetic textures such as skyrmions and vortices in
cylindrical and rectangular magnetic systems. Relevant study since these
textures could be used in technological applications such as transistors and efficient
magnetic recording media. The teaching will be carried out in physics courses
of the careers of the School of Engineering. The objective is to strengthen
the condensed matter area of the University together with the research
indexes, such as the number of publications and associated projects. In
addition, strengthen the faculty of the School of Engineering with expert
teachers in the teaching area.
team of American researchers has created the smallest group of skyrmions.
Skyrmions are magnetic nanostructures that will push memory density to its
limits. To write and read information, conventional computers use memories that
are based on magnetic materials. Although it is approaching its limits,
decades-old memory technology
Magnetism in matter and Nanomagnetism
daniel.aravena.p [at] usach.cl
Servers for high-performance computing in scientific research. .
Fondecyt Project 1210325
and Chirality: new strategies for spin-dependent functionality in inorganic
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
Computational Chemistry Molecular Magnetism Molecular Spintronics
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2020 Best Paper Prize presented to
Daniel Aravena et al. for their article entitled “High performance
single-molecule magnets, Orbach or Raman relaxation suppression?”
The main focus of my research is the calculation of the
spectroscopic and magnetic properties of various inorganic systems, such as
single-molecule magnets, host-responsive metal-organic frameworks, molecular
devices, photomagnetic and spin-crossing compounds. Systems are studied using
Density Functional Theory (DFT) and ab initio multi-reference calculations (CASSCF/NEVPT2),
while properties are obtained directly from electronic structure calculations
or through Hamiltonian model approaches (Spin-Hamiltonian or ab initio Ligand
Field theory).
Daniel Aravena: Daniel
Aravena is Associate Professor at University of Santiago of Chile. DA research
focus in the calculation of spectroscopic and magnetic properties of diverse
inorganic systems, such as lanthanide Single Molecule Magnets and transition
metal based luminescent complexes .
Castro Alvarez
alejandro.castro.a [at] ufrontera.cl
de La Frontera Thanks to the server acquired by XI Computer, I was able to
form a research group with a high rate of scientific productivity (average of 5
articles per year). Mainly, the use of the server has focused on strengthening
bioinformatics research (structural and drug design), achieving the training of
undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, we have managed to
generate collaborations at a national and international level. The
service and attention was excellent, especially that they have shown a constant
concern about the operation of the machine and the technical service necessary
to set it up in the computer center of the university. The team has more than
met expectations.
Application of Synchrotron
Radiation-Based Fourier-Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy for Thermal
Imaging of Polymer Thin Films.
The thermal
imaging of surfaces with microscale spatial resolution over micro-sized areas
remains a challenging and time-consuming task. Surface thermal imaging is a
very important characterization tool in mechanical engineering,
microelectronics, chemical process engineering, optics, microfluidics, and
biochemistry processing, among others. Within the realm of electronic circuits,
this technique has significant potential for investigating hot spots, power
densities, and monitoring heat distributions in complementary
metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) platforms. We present a new technique for
remote non-invasive, contactless thermal field mapping using synchrotron
radiation-based Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy. We demonstrate a
spatial resolution better than 10 um over areas on the order of 12,000 um 2 measured
in a polymeric thin film on top of CaF 2 substrates.
Thermal images were obtained from infrared spectra of poly(methyl methacrylate)
thin films heated with a wire. The temperature dependence of the collected
infrared spectra was analyzed via linear regression and machine learning
algorithms, namely random forest and k-nearest neighbor algorithms. This
approach speeds up signal analysis and allows for the generation of
hyperspectral temperature maps. The results here highlight the potential of
infrared absorbance to serve as a remote method for the quantitative
determination of heat distribution, thermal properties, and the existence of
hot spots, with implications in CMOS technologies and other electronic devices.
imaging of surfaces with micro-scale spatial resolution over micro-sized areas
remains a challenging and time-consuming task. Surface thermography is a very
important characterization tool in mechanical engineering, microelectronics,
chemical process engineering, optics, microfluidics, and biochemical
processing, among others. Within the realm of electronic circuitry, this
technique has significant potential for investigating hot spots, power
densities, and monitoring heat distributions in complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) platforms. We present a new technique for non-contact,
non-invasive remote thermal field mapping using synchrotron radiation-based
Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. We demonstrate a spatial
resolution greater than 10 um over areas of the order of 12,000 um2 measured in
a polymeric thin film on CaF2 substrates. Thermal images were obtained from
infrared spectra of poly(methyl methacrylate) thin films heated with a wire.
The temperature dependence of the collected infrared spectra was analyzed using
linear regression and machine learning algorithms, namely random forest and
k-nearest neighbor algorithms. This approach speeds up signal analysis and
allows the generation of hyperspectral temperature maps. The results here
highlight the potential of infrared absorbance to serve as a remote method for
the quantitative determination of heat distribution, thermal properties, and
the existence of hot spots, with implications for CMOS technologies and other
electronic devices.
dfrydel [at] gmail.com
Simulations, numerical computations. I am able to run 48 or more jobs at a
time. The speed of computations is faster than anything I have used before. I
am generally very content with the product and service.
My research interest is in theoretical research of soft-matter
systems. I use a broad range of computational and analytical methods and my
research overlaps with physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and industry.
In addition, I have experience in teaching (statistical mechanics, physical
chemistry, solid-state physics) and some limited supervision.
My research interest is the theoretical investigation of soft
matter systems. I use a wide range of computational and analytical methods and
my research overlaps with physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and
industry. In addition, I have teaching experience (statistical mechanics,
physical chemistry, solid state physics) and limited supervision.
Lines of
Theory of the
liquid state, statistical mechanics, dynamics, electrostatics
production of active particles formulated for underdamped dynamics
The present work investigates the effect of
inertia on the entropy production rate Π for all canonical models of
active particles for different dimensions and the type of confinement. To
calculate Π, the link between the entropy production and dissipation of
heat rate is explored, resulting in a simple and intuitive expression. By
analyzing the Kramers equation, alternative formulations of Π are obtained
and the virial theorem for active particles is derived. Exact results are
obtained for particles in an unconfined environment and in a harmonic trap. In
both cases, Π is independent of temperature. For the case of a harmonic
trap, Π attains a maximal value for τ=ω−1, where τ is
the persistence time and ω is the natural frequency of an oscillator. For
active particles in one-dimensional box, or other nonharmonic potentials,
thermal fluctuations are found to reduce Π.
The present work investigates the effect of
inertia on the rate of entropy production Π for all the canonical models
of active particles for different dimensions and the type of confinement. To calculate
Π, the link between entropy production and rate of heat dissipation is
explored, resulting in a simple and intuitive expression. By analyzing the
Kramers equation, alternative formulations of Π are obtained and the
virial theorem for active particles is derived. Accurate results are obtained
for particles in an unconfined environment and in a harmonic trap. In both
cases, Π is independent of temperature. For the case of a harmonic trap,
Π reaches a maximum value for τ=ω−1, where τ is the
persistence time and ω is the natural frequency of an oscillator. For
active particles in a one-dimensional box or other nonharmonic potentials,
thermal fluctuations are found to reduce Π.